
  • [2021 - 2025] — PhD in Mathematical Sciences
    Queen Mary University of London, England, UK.
    Topic: A Bayesian perspective on online continual learning.
    Supervised by Dr. Kevin P. Murphy and Dr. Alexander Y. Shestopaloff
  • [2020 - 2021] - MSc in Mathematics
    Queen Mary University of London, England, UK.
    Grade: Distinction

Work Experience

  • [2022, 2023, 2024] — Summer intern: Quantitative researcher
    Man AHL, London
    • Summer 2024: validation and calibration of the internal risk model.
    • Summer 2023: create systematic trading strategies that adapt to non-stationary financial time series.
    • Summer 2022: create low-frequency trading strategies by leveraging high-frequency data using Bayesian machine learning techniques.
  • [2021] - Google Summer of code
    Participated in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) project for the Tensorflow team to convert Matlab machine learning algorithms to Python using Jax. The project was supervised by Kevin P. Murphy and Mahmoud Soliman.

Academic positions

  • [2022-] Visiting PhD student at the Oxford-Man Institute
    University of Oxford, England, UK.
  • [2021] Teaching assistant
    Queen Mary University of London, England, UK.
    Assisted in the teaching of the module “Introduction to Machine Learning”.

Awards and Scholarships

  • [2021] - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Studentship for PhD studies.
  • [2020] - Scholarship for graduate studies at Queen Mary University of London, awarded by CONACyT.